How to Get Rid of Toenail Fungus: Choose the Best Recipe

Fungal infection of toenails is a rather unpleasant condition. In addition to cosmetic discomfort, it can also have a negative impact on the patient's immune system. As treatment practice shows, medications do not always help achieve the desired results. If we also take into account their harmful effects on the entire body, then it is worth seriously thinking about the implications of such treatments. Therefore, a natural question arises for infected people: how to get rid of onychomycosis and make yourself forget about this disease forever.Feet with fungal nail infection

Advantages and Disadvantages of Home Therapy

I would like to warn readers right off the bat not to expect immediate results from traditional medicine recipes. The desired results at home can only be seen after a certain period of daily routine treatment. It is also worth noting that there are many types of onychomycosis, so each formula must be chosen solely on an individual basis.Home remedies have the following benefits:
  1. naturalness. The medicine is prepared at home and contains only natural and well-known ingredients;
  2. Ability to affect various types of fungal infections. In addition to effective treatments, home remedies not only have no adverse effects on the body, but also allow you to enhance protective functions;
  3. Components are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the body. When making recipes, you can reject ingredients that may cause allergies;
  4. Availability. Any home remedy for fungi does not use rare ingredients, which allows you to avoid storing them for future use and prepare the remedy as needed.

preparation procedure

Hygiene must be observed during treatment to prevent fungal colonies from multiplying. It includes daily sock changes, hydration routines, and the use of items for personal use only. Before using topical products, the affected nail needs to receive the following treatments:
  • Soak the nail plate in a medicated bath of soap and soda solution;
  • Use a nail file, tweezers, or scissors to remove the affected area;
  • Drug Applications.
Strengthening the immune system is of no small importance in successfully clearing fungal infections from the body. For this, experts recommend taking special vitamin complexes to enhance the protective functions of the body.

Vinegar based recipes

Vinegar is highly rated for fighting fungal nail plate infections. Its effect is based on the inability of fungal spores to survive in acidic environments. A prerequisite for successful treatment is the correct proportion of drugs.
When preparing medicine at home, you can use any type of vinegar: table vinegar or apple cider vinegar. The latter type is preferred since it is prepared based only on natural ingredients. Vinegar essence can also be used, but diluted to the desired concentration.

vinegar bath

This method is the easiest and most comfortable way to get rid of fungus on your nails. Treatment with this method lasts about 2 weeks, alternating with other methods.
  • Heat 0. 5 liters of 9% vinegar to a pleasant temperature and pour it into a basin. Immerse the affected finger in the liquid and leave it there for 15 minutes. Do not rinse with water. For better results, wear socks soaked in vinegar overnight;
  • Vinegar diluted 1: 1 with carrot juice also helps to remove the fungus very well. Heat the mixture to 40° and put the legs in it to steam;
  • Stir one package of dried celandine into 1 liter of vinegar. The time of infusion is not important—the more, the better. Add about 5 tablespoons to the filtered infusion. Add table salt and stir. Use as a warm bath for 5 minutes. To enhance the effect, this procedure is performed several times a day.

vinegar-based ointment

  • Pour 100 grams of vinegar essence into fresh eggs. Leave in a dark place for 5-7 days to dissolve the eggshells. Add melted or soft butter to the resulting mixture and stir everything. The resulting emulsion should resemble mayonnaise. Apply the ointment to the affected nail every night until the external signs completely disappear. During treatment, the nail plate will soften and peel. To remove the affected area more quickly, it can be carefully excised;
  • For this ointment, you will need 1 teaspoon. Mix dimethyl phthalate with 1 tbsp. Lake any vinegar and vegetable oil. Add the raw eggs to the well-mixed ingredients and stir in the entire mixture. Store the finished ointment in the refrigerator for later useApple cider vinegar is one of the best treatments for toenail fungus. Dressing at night.

Other recipes using vinegar

Dilute vinegar essence with water 1: 1 and mix with flaxseed powder. Knead into a stiff dough similar to play dough and wrap in plastic. If necessary, pinch off a piece of dough to form a flat cake and place it on the affected nail and secure it with a Band-Aid. Treatment is carried out for 5 days.

Treat nails with iodine

Another available and effective remedy is an alcoholic solution of iodine, which is an excellent antiseptic and has tanning and cauterizing properties. Its action is based on the ability to coagulate the proteins that make up the parasitic fungi.Daily use of iodine as an antifungal agent has received favorable reviews. However, before treatment, it is recommended to test the individual tolerance of the skin, since cases of allergic reactions are known. To do this, just apply a drop of the substance to the crook of your elbow and wait for about a day. If itching or redness occurs, this method is not suitable for you. If you don’t notice any changes in your skin, you can safely start treatment.The most well-known method is to simply apply a drop of iodine to the nail plate with a cotton swab, twice daily.
It is especially important to ensure that the nail surface is completely saturated with iodine, as live fungal spores may remain in untreated areas.
After one week, a slight burning sensation may occur at the treated area, which is an indication of the effectiveness of the treatment and a sign that the fungal colonies have been destroyed.

Proven recipes containing iodine

Other iodine-based recipes are also used at home, including various ingredients:
  • Grind well-dried celandine and mix with iodine to form a thick paste. The resulting composition is applied to the affected nails, covering the top with polyethylene and leaving it on overnight. Removing the deck usually requires 3-5 passes;
  • Dissolve a vial of 5% iodine solution or manganese instead in a bowl of hot water (3 liters) until the liquid turns pink. Steam the nail for about 10 minutes, then dry it thoroughly and cover it with a penicillin bandage. This procedure was performed about 3 times, and an improvement in the condition of the deck was observed from the first time;
  • Mix iodine solution with apple cider vinegar (1: 1) and mix well. Apply to nail plate twice daily. Continue treatment for at least 20 days.

Baking Soda Fights Fungus

Baking soda, as we all know, is widely used not only in cooking but also in medicine. Due to its alkalizing properties, the body's alkali reserves are increased and the acid-base balance is normalized. For fungal infections, baking soda works by alkalizing the surface of the nail plate, thereby creating uncomfortable conditions for fungal spores to multiply and thrive.

soda bath

  • For bathing you will need 2 liters of liquid (40°), baking soda (2 tablespoons) and soap (ground or liquid, the amount is 1 tablespoon). Mix all ingredients thoroughly. Soak your fingers in the solution for 20-30 minutes, then use a pumice stone or foot file to remove the softened nail layer. Then dry your toes thoroughly and put clean socks on your feet. Use until external signs of fungus on the deck have completely disappeared;
  • A recipe containing half a cup of soda, 4-5 cups of water (40°), 1/4 of the same container of hydrogen peroxide and vinegar is considered an effective remedy. You can add a half cup of Epsom salt if desired. Once the solution is thoroughly mixed, you can steam your feet. The procedure lasts about half an hour and is performed every evening.

baking soda paste

To prepare it, you need to prepare 2-3 teaspoons of soda, a little water and lemon. Mix the first two ingredients together until a homogeneous paste forms. Apply the resulting composition to the affected nails and immediately squeeze a few drops of juice from the lemon. A reaction should occur with slight foaming and fizzing. After a few minutes, wash off the paste with clean water and dry your feet.To make the paste, you can use another simple and affordable recipe. To prepare, you will need vegetable oil (you can substitute tea tree oil or another type) and club soda. Mix the two ingredients together to form a paste and apply to the steamed nail plate. The paste on the nails is covered with polyethylene and kept overnight. In the morning, remove the bandage, wash your nails with water and dry them.

Treat with hydrogen peroxide

Hydrogen peroxide is great for onychomycosis. It can be used as both a main action and a secondary action. The secret of this product lies in its ability to destroy various disease-causing microbiota. To eliminate fungal infections on the nail surface, it is enough to apply a cotton pad soaked in this solution to the affected area for 2-3 months. The procedure was performed twice daily, with duration varying within 5 minutes.You can also take a bath with this medication. Mix hydrogen peroxide with warm water (2 tablespoons: 1 liter). Steam legs several times for 30 seconds, resting for 2 minutes in between.
Although these recipes may seem simple, they all have the amazing ability to remove fungus from your nail plate. Therefore, regular implementation of such procedures will help to get rid of this dormant disease in the long term.